The Woman in Union Blog ♡

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If the love and union you desire keeps escaping you, that might be because you're actually desiring something the love and union CAN’T give you

June 01, 20233 min read

On the surface, you may think your desire for union is pure and that you just want to be loved, respected, cherished, have companionship, shared values, and all the other things.

But through diving a little deeper into the hearts and minds of women, I've often found that she was actually wanting something a man and union with him could NEVER give her.

What do I mean?

Well, for instance, she is secretly believing that this relationship can give her self love, grant her self respect, gift her validation, eliminate an emptiness, prove that she’s lovable, eradicate a deep sadness or loneliness within her, eliminate the feeling that she should be further in her life...

or anything else that can only truly be given to her by herself.

The truth is, union with a man can NOT give you any of the things I mentioned or anything of that nature. It must be self sourced.

And deep down, you are wanting to figure it out for yourself and source it for yourself.

Desiring a union with this kind of false fuel behind it, will have it keep escaping you.

This is because although you’ve convinced yourself that you’re looking for union… your being is really wanting and craving something else.

It’s like going to a hen, claiming you want an egg, but secretly expecting it to produce a watermelon.

It won’t happen.

You need to get that watermelon from elsewhere.

And quite frankly, all the hens would also be running away from you, too.

No hen. No egg. No watermelon.

It’s the same thing with love, union, and men.

In reality, you’re using your desire for union to mask what you really want to figure out, address head on, and give to yourself.

This is not to say that you actually DON’T desire union.

But here's the thing: You actually want something else MORE than you want union. You just believe that union can give it to you, when in truth, only you have the ability to provide it for yourself.

If you’re wondering what that something might be for you, consider again my previous examples: Validation, elimination of a deep sadness, proof that you’re lovable, etc.

So, how exactly do you stop your desired union from escaping you?

You must desire it purely.

This means desiring the union for what it actually can produce.

You must work through and separate whatever you think union can give you from what the union can actually give you and learn how to truly WANT union from a pure place.

A pure desire fulfills itself. (A big reason for this is because you’re not trying to squeeze a huge, deep emotional need out out of it so you can be delightfully detached and in a state of freedom).

When you learn how to want what you want from a pure place, your desire for the expansive union will be realized.

It will stop eluding you and naturally ease into your life.

But first, you must actually desire union for what it can actually add to your life, NOT for the fantasy you believe it will give you.

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If this post nourished you in any way, I invite you to become a member of the Deep Love, Great Work Association.

Work with me inside of the Deep Love Great Work Association; the private membership community you want to be in to position yourself for the love that matches your depth and to be successful doing the work that matches your greatness. In this offer, we explore the deeper perspectives, the mindset, the values, the priorities, and the principles that you need to build a proper foundation of which deep love is a natural byproduct.

We also discuss how these same principles, values, and mindset/perspective shifts help you align with your PURPOSE, be yourself, and do your greatest work. You can join here if that interests you.

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Dream (Silas) Omans

Dream Silas Omans is a wife, writer, and mentor/coach specializing in guiding women toward fulfilling romantic connections and relationships/marriage with men. Dream's blog provides guidance for women seeking fulfilling romantic connections and relationships/marriage with men. It covers topics such as personal growth, empowerment in love, relationship dynamics, and practical skills for finding and nurturing healthy relationships. Dream offers practical advice and mentorship programs, including her flagship program "IRL: Better Than Fantasy," aimed at empowering single women to go FROM single and hoping for her turn to get lucky in love TO being claimed, committed to, and and loved well now and in the future by the man she'll love. Through her work, Dream aims to help women navigate the complexities of modern relationships and ultimately experience love, support, and fulfillment.

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Dream is a love and feminine state of being mentor and the creator of the Woman in Union Newsletter, Blog, and Mentorship.

Dream, and her team's mission is to empower and guide professional and entrepreneurial women through a journey of self-discovery, freedom, truth, and profound romantic love, all with God at the forefront. We believe that every woman has a unique femininity that speaks to the truth in her, calling forth the right man to her.

Our work is focused on helping women tap into this femininity, let go of limiting beliefs and patterns, cultivate a sense of confidence and inner strength and embrace the truth of who they are, ultimately creating a softer life and experiencing divine union with the man who is meant for them.

To apply to work with Dream in the Woman in Union 12 Week Mentorship, click here.