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An Invitation to Work with Me in the 12 Week "Woman in Union" Mentorship

This is an invitation to professional or entrepreneurial women who are seeking a softer life, divine union with the man for them, (a man that you love deeply, that loves you deeply, and that provides for you), and a more feminine and fulfilling love life.

The program is crafted to help you achieve the elevated love and profound union that your heart desires.

This program is especially perfect for women who:

  • have consistently felt the pressure to be "on" and to do everything by herself throughout her life

  • wants to stop operating from the idea that her world will fall apart if she is not always “on”

  • long to be embraced by a partner who can provide a sense of masculine safety/provision and allow her to let her guard down and relax into him because he’s got her

During the 12-week mentorship, I will guide you through my "Refine and Express" method.

This method is designed to transform you into the woman who is a perfect match for the love, man, and union you desire.

Here's a breakdown of what the method entails and what we will be working on during our time together:

1. Redefining your identity and value regarding your love life, so that you feel deserving of high quality love from a man that properly holds you and your ideal man.

2. Increasing your capacity for receiving and maintaining high quality love, intimacy, and support.

3. Refining and matching your state of being with the love life you desire so that you can attract an aligned man and experiences with that man that meet your standards.

4. How to communicate in alignment with your feminine expression so you can express your needs, desires, standards, and boundaries with ease as well as form deeper bonds with him.

5. Inspiring him to rise for you and maintaining the passion/intimacy so that you can remain in the “honeymoon phase” with him.

6. If desired – I’ll show you my method of online dating and organically meeting men and inspiring the progression of the relationship.

In this mentorship you’ll get:

  • 4 self study modules where you’ll learn all the material. (Each module is digitally dripped.)

  • You’ll have access to 6 optional 90-minute office hours with me via Zoom to ask any questions about the material (attendance is optional but they’re there whenever you need).

  • And you’ll have 2 private 60 minute 1:1 sessions with me via Zoom. [The 1:1 sessions are a crucial part of this program. During these sessions, I can provide guidance, tailored to your unique situation, based on my methods to help you reach your desired love life and union as quickly and effectively as possible] .

  • You also receive priority 1:1 support via text message throughout the entire mentorship.

I’ve found that this structure allows both flexibility and a high level of support for my clients who are very busy women.

Gain insight into the structure of our mentorship program by reviewing the illustration provided below. ↓

Who'd get the best results in this mentorship program?:

The right woman will be likely to attract the right man and the love life she desires from this mentorship program if she follows our method and philosophy diligently and intuitively.

And by the way, here's how I define 'right woman’:

  1. She has experienced 2+ years of feminine self development OR is comfortable with her femininity to a moderate degree. In this mentorship, we don’t cover basic or surface level femininity.

  2. She has experienced 2+ years of self love or healing work OR she's in good mental and emotional health. I don’t cover healing in this mentorship nor am I a mental health professional which means you must be in good mental and emotional health.

  1. She has been in a long term (1+ years ) relationship/marriage.

(This mentorship program is specifically designed for single women or those who are dating, but have been in a long-term relationship at some point. This requirement is based on my understanding that women who have had long-term relationship experience have a wealth of knowledge about men's behavior toward them and their own actions within a relationship. These insights are crucial to the success of the mentorship.)

  1. She is open to meeting new men and is not stuck on one man. (It's okay if you'd like it to work with a particular guy but if you have the "it has to be him" attitude, it paralyzes you and limits your progress in this mentorship).

  1. She has a relationship with God and faith must be of importance to her (this does not require you to be religious ). She must also have the God-given faith that she will meet the right man for her and end up in her ideal union.

  2. She must have an open heart and the willingness to be seen and held.

(For genuine connection and union with a man, it is important to have an open heart and be willing to allow him to truly see and experience the real you. It's okay if this makes you feel uncomfortable (we can work on this) simply having the willingness to do so is enough.)

All of these are necessary if you want to see the best results possible.

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This mentorship is a mid 4 figure investment: $5,000 USD pay in full or $1,750 USD a month for 3 months.

Here's why the investment is what it is:

Financial ROI

The average cost of living in the United States is just under $40,000 annually or $3,200 a month. Obviously, this varies by state by state and has the potential to be much higher. As a single woman interested in my services, I know that you desire a man that can lovingly hold you, provide for you, and allow you to be "off" while he holds the frame of your lives together.

This is the union I will help you co-create.

Having this man in your life allows you to significantly minimize your own living expenses by at least 50% (but because we don't do 50/50 in my world) most likely more than 50%.

Considering the average cost of living, this could save you, at the very least, $20,000 per year.

The investment of $5,000 is quite small compared to the financial ROI of living with your life partner who supports you, provides for you, and who properly holds you.

Time & Emotional ROI

You can safely and pleasurably learn valuable love lessons in this container instead of spending years learning them on your own, which saves you time and unnecessary heartache.

Additionally, we will work through any negative thoughts or emotions that may have derailed your progress in your love life in the past. We will shift those thoughts and soothe those emotions so that you can make decisions that support the love life you desire. (Which also speeds up the process to save you time).

I’ll be with you the entire time, providing you with support and guidance along the way via 1:1 calls and 1:1 text support to ensure you achieve your desired results.

Speeding up the time in which you experience your desired love life results and preventing/avoiding unnecessary heartbreak can't be quantified but I am sure you understand how valuable that is for you personally.

In this mentorship, I’m not just showing you how to have a "good enough" relationship. I’m showing you how to call in the love, man, and union meant for you; the one your heart desires. Yes, there is a set process for this and I will personally guide you through the entire process.

I’m not teaching you tricks and tactics that take you away from who you are. Instead, I show you how to unlearn and remove the things that are in the way of being you so that the man for you can recognize YOU. It’s the true YOU that magnetizes the man for you, to you.

The amount of fulfillment, joy, and intimacy you can create within life and in your union is limitless.

To finally receive and maintain the love, commitment, and quality you desire and deserve… and to have the life long partner/husband to do life with.

For the woman who this mentorship is designed for, this is priceless.

If you’ve read this all the way through and are interested in the mentorship, fill out this qualification form HERE and I will be in contact with you soon (within 48 hours).

I look forward to chatting with you.

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