The truth is that you are afraid to speak up because you might upset him. This is because you clearly see his value and not your own. You secretly feel that you’ll lose him if you do express your grievances.
If you have a hard time expressing to a man you are dating or in a commitment with that you HATE that he cancels plans with you and that it hurts and makes you feel neglected, this is a huge indication that you have a feminine value issue.
This simply means that you are not sure of your worth as a woman in a romantic relationship; however, you clearly see the value in the man you’re with.
This is causing you to be afraid to speak up about what bothers you because you may upset him and lose him.
The truth is that a man will value a woman more if she doesn’t accept mediocre treatment; if she doesn’t make it easy for him.
And no… I’m not talking about playing any games or being unnecessarily difficult, I’m talking about holding him to the best of what he can be.
And that includes being the best of himself toward you, just as you should be giving him the best of you.
This post will tell you how you can go from allowing him to cancel on you all the time and feeling neglected because of it… to him never wanting to cancel on you and, if he does, he is extremely apologetic and makes it up to you tenfold.
The first step is to clearly understand your worth as a woman in the relationship; your feminine value.
I teach my clients (who are already high quality women by the way) the fastest way to get clear on what their feminine value is is to simply make a short list of what they desire, break this list down into “his” and “hers” roles, and then check off the roles she already plays.
I’ve discussed this process in several other posts already because many of the issues that my clients face can be solved quite easily if she knew clearly the value she had and how that value directly complements what she desires to experience in her love life.
The effectiveness of this method lies in the fact that it prevents you from fighting against intrusive, negative thoughts that tell you that you are not worthy.
There is a major issue I see in spaces that help women find their "worth", which is that other methods simply tell women to repeat affirmations, keep healing, or just "feel into their worth" and accept it blindly.
Sometimes these methods can be helpful, but they don't work for my clients who already affirm all day, who have already healed, and who have also tried to just blindly accept that they are worthy.
These methods fail to quiet the brain enough, which is the problem with them. By this, I mean that on a consistent basis women will experience hundreds of thoughts a day that essentially tell them that they don’t deserve XYZ in regards to their love life.
And unless you are 100% certain about the value you have, you spend lots of time and energy fighting against your brain and negative thoughts.
My method completely eliminates the need to fight against your brain because you feed your brain certainty by being clear on your feminine value.
So let’s get into how to get clear on your feminine value so that you can properly express your grievances, needs, and desires to a man:
Step one: In 1 concise list, write down what your ideal love life looks like and feels like.
I desire a union with great, elevated communication where we both really work to understand each other and have conversations that make us feel closer to one another
I desire a man who loves to always take me on nice, thoughtful dates every week and really values that type of quality time with me.
I desire…
I desire…
I desire…
Step two: Take each point from that list and break it down into 2 roles that would make that desire a reality. One set of roles will be played by the man and one played by you: his and her roles.
As an example, let's break down: I desire a union with great, elevated communication where we both really work to understand each other and have conversations that make us feel closer to one another.
His roles could look something like:
Practices attentiveness and active listening
Conveys his points in a mature, controlled manner
Solution oriented
And so your roles would look something like:
Also practice attentiveness and active listening
Conveys point in a healthy, felt-out manner
Controls emotions and self soothes well
Receptive to his solutions
Step three: From there, you must make sure the roles make sense and could actually create the desired reality. It absolutely must make sense to you!
You can do this by asking yourself: If he plays these parts and I play these parts, would/could this desire be a reality?
When everything looks good, examine the list of roles and begin to see which roles from the ‘hers’ list you actively play and which roles you do not.
As far as your love life is concerned, all the roles you play are your feminine value.
The roles you play are the reason why you are high quality.
Once this is clear in your mind, you really begin to feel it and act like the valuable woman you are. And because your brain is on your side, you’re no longer self sabotaging and can instead be in complete alignment with yourself.
Oh yeah, and for the roles you do not play, you now have a clear road map of what you need to play and you can begin to play them. (In my mentorship, I help my clients through how they can play their roles.)
Being clear about the value you have, stops you from behaving like you will lose a man so easily.
You can begin to truly express how you feel to him freely and without fear of losing him because you’re coming from a relaxed, easeful state.
You feel more free and can operate from that open, spacious and healthy place that allows you to thoroughly enjoy the man and for him to enjoy you while the relationship grows.
If what you’ve read here resonates with you, consider working with me in my 12 week mentorship program!
In my 12 week mentorship, “woman in union”, feminine value is one of the main things that I help professional, feminine women work on in order to go from mediocre love to having the highest quality of love.
We also work on
increasing your capacity for receiving and maintaining love, intimacy, and support
feminine expression and properly communicating your needs, desires, and standards
attracting experiences with men that match your standards
identifying your feminine value and helping you feel deserving of elevated love
resurrecting the passion and intimacy in your relationship
and if needed/desired, we cover meeting men who are aligned with you via online dating/ organic dating and inspiring further commitment
This mentorship is a mid 4 figure investment.
If you'd like more info on the mentorship [what it entails, the process, and the qualifications], click here!
And if you liked what you've read here, consider signing up for my newsletter.
Dream is a love and feminine state of being mentor and the creator of the Woman in Union Newsletter, Blog, and Mentorship.
Dream, and her team's mission is to empower and guide professional and entrepreneurial women through a journey of self-discovery, freedom, truth, and profound romantic love, all with God at the forefront. We believe that every woman has a unique femininity that speaks to the truth in her, calling forth the right man to her.
Our work is focused on helping women tap into this femininity, let go of limiting beliefs and patterns, cultivate a sense of confidence and inner strength and embrace the truth of who they are, ultimately creating a softer life and experiencing divine union with the man who is meant for them.
To apply to work with Dream in the Woman in Union 12 Week Mentorship, click here.