Many women who have been doing inner feminine work for some time are quite aware and advanced in their introspection (which is why I love working with these women :))
But a common thing they come to me for is because they believe that they have a receiving issue with men.
When a man does something nice for her, she feels thankful but then immediately starts to question his motives. She starts waiting for the other shoe to drop; for him to begin expecting something from her.
This is actually not a receiving issue, it is a capacity issue.
She has no issue actually receiving the gift, or the trip, or the gesture…
She has an issue holding it.
By this, I mean she has an issue holding it within her without questioning his motives for it.
This means she doesn’t yet have the capacity to hold what he is giving.
This is contributing to the uncomfortable feeling she has receiving something nice from him.
The good thing is that capacity can be increased.
One way I work with my clients to increase their capacity to hold greater expressions of love is to shift their self concept to be able to support what they want.
We do this through reframing their feminine identity and then working to feed that identity with supporting evidence.
In other words, we look at what identity she is holding in regards to receiving from men and her general treatment from men and then we rework that identity into something that actually fits what she is desiring to experience.
Let’s review a simple example of this.
A woman who comes to work with me that believes she has an issue fully receiving from men will have a false feminine identity similar to:
“Men will try to give to me and do things for me but I have a hard time receiving it because I think they want something from me!”
Although she wants to be a woman who can receive easily and feel good, happy, and appreciative afterwards, she doesn't fully believe that a man would truly want to treat her in this way.
So we work on reframing that into something else that actually fits what she desires, like:
“I'm a woman whom men want and love to provide for, and I'm able to receive from them easily.”
Reframing the story she tells herself about receiving from men is the very first step.
It should be noted that reframing the story can not be done carelessly, it must actually be reframed into something that actually clicks with the woman.
It must ring true with what her true feminine identity is (which is often different from the one she has been operating from before working with me); who she is.
Once the story clicks, the next step then is to fully assume the identity and begin collecting evidence in support of this story.
(Depending on what the identity is, there are different shifts to make to properly assume the identity but in this case, assuming the identity could be as simple as allowing herself to feel good about receiving and keeping an open mind.)
It does nothing just to change the story and leave it at that. If this is done, she will eventually revert right back to her old story.
So we work to go into her everyday life and find evidence that her new reframed feminine identity is true.
And at the end of every day, she will write down all the evidence from the day that proved that new identity true.
In the example where her new reframed identity is:
“I'm a woman whom men want and love to provide for, and I'm able to receive from them easily.”
While going through her day, she intentionally takes note of all the times a man genuinely did something for her and she felt positive about it.
- Today a male coworker randomly offered to buy me coffee and I accepted thankfully
- Today a man held the door for me and greeted me happily. I let myself feel good about it.
- Today a man helped me get something down from a high shelf at the grocery. I thanked him for his kindness and felt happy that he chose to help me.
- Today (insert man she’s dating) took me to dinner, paid for everything, and told me that he loves doing it. I allowed myself to feel good about receiving everything and thanked him well.
No matter how small the interaction is, she is encouraged to write them all down at the end of the day.
This feeds her new identity more and more until she begins to believe it.
It doesn’t take long to actually begin believing the new identity when you have so much evidence to back it up.
By reframing her self concept in this manner, she is now able to increase her capacity to hold what she wants, since she now believes that men love to provide for her, and she is able to receive from them with ease.
Her faith and comfort level with receiving are also improved through this method, which increases her capacity to hold more and more of what a man is giving to her.
This opens up a whole new world for my clients just as it opened a whole new world for me.
Being able to receive better and better expressions of love allows us to have love of the highest quality.
In my 12 week mentorship, “woman in union”, increasing your capacity to hold better expressions of love is one of the main things that I help professional, feminine women work on in order to go from mediocre love to having the highest quality of love.
We also work on:
- helping you feel fully deserving of love/a high quality man
- attracting experiences with men that match your standards
- feminine expression and properly communicating your needs, desires, and standards
- resurrecting the passion and intimacy in your relationship
- and if needed/desired, we cover meeting men who are aligned with you via online dating/ organic dating and inspiring further commitment.
This mentorship is a mid 4 figure investment. ($5,555)
If you'd like more info on the mentorship [what it entails, the process, and the qualifications], click here!
And if you liked what you've read here, consider signing up for my newsletter.
Dream is a love and feminine state of being mentor and the creator of the Woman in Union Newsletter, Blog, and Mentorship.
Dream, and her team's mission is to empower and guide professional and entrepreneurial women through a journey of self-discovery, freedom, truth, and profound romantic love, all with God at the forefront. We believe that every woman has a unique femininity that speaks to the truth in her, calling forth the right man to her.
Our work is focused on helping women tap into this femininity, let go of limiting beliefs and patterns, cultivate a sense of confidence and inner strength and embrace the truth of who they are, ultimately creating a softer life and experiencing divine union with the man who is meant for them.
To apply to work with Dream in the Woman in Union 12 Week Mentorship, click here.