The feminine is body-centric and can reach deeper, truer insights living from the body than always being in her head.
In her love life, a woman can’t truly connect to a man if she is always in her head. He can’t feel her nor can she feel him. The disconnect often leads to a shut down on the man’s end and deep disappointment on the women’s end.
So learning to be in the body and out of the head is essential for not only a woman's love life but her health, connection to God, and well being in general.
However, for women like my clients who are so used to being in their heads all the time, it is an extremely difficult task to simply get out of their heads and relax into the body.
This is because the brain is so noisy with lots of discouraging mind-chatter that stops them from being able to let go as they would want. It keeps them overthinking, over analyzing, not being able to be present, and distorts the way she experiences a relationship with a man significantly.
And sure… things like meditation or breathing exercises help relax the brain and get into the body but it is more of a temporary band aid that works for a few hours or, if you’re lucky, is something that you can ride for a few days.
But eventually, she’ll go back to the mind chatter and fighting against her brain. (Unless she devotes years to actively quieting her brain like I did. Though my clients usually don’t want to wait years for a better love life.)
I’m a strong believer in the saying that if your body doesn't know something, then you don’t know it.
This became even more apparent to me in my work when trying to teach body-centric practices that could help a woman’s communication with her partner, or help her be more present with him, or even help her meet men who are aligned with her.
When I first began working with women it was quite difficult to get what I was teaching to stick. My clients would seem to have deep breakthroughs and then slowly revert back to their old stories, habits, and behaviors that were a detriment to their love life in the first place.
I didn’t understand it at the time but when I began to look further into it. I realized that they couldn’t sustain the transformation in their body.
As women who have always lived in their head, giving them exercises to be more in body were only temporary fixes.
Eventually, they’d go back to living in their head and all the progress seemed to be completely washed away.
Their brain would bombard them with all the old messages/stories and they’d give into that instead of the new encouraging information.
This is when I began to realize there needed to be a way to get past their brain defense so that the new information could actually penetrate them and get into the body for true transformation.
So I began developing my methods in a way that first got past their brain’s defense and then could descend into the body.
This is why my 12 week mentorship “woman in union” is structured to cater to the brain first and then the body. Instead of making the brain something that she’s trying to run away from, we spend the first 2 weeks of the mentorship actually aligning with it so that she no longer has to fight against it. This is so her brain will support the new changes instead.
How do we do this?
Well, in my mentorship, together we work on 5 different aspects of a client. This includes her: Feminine identity, feminine value, feminine state of being, feminine expression, and feminine presence.
Feminine identity and feminine value make up the first 2 weeks of the mentorship and they both are completely brain-centric.
If you’ve read any of my other posts that spoke about feminine identity or value, you’d know I help women solve identity or value issues by essentially soothing their brain.
Feminine identity or value issues almost always boil down to a woman not feeling worthy or like she deserves something in her love life, whether that’s a specific type of man, treatment, or a level of commitment.
You can check out some of those posts here.
I’ve found that both identity and value are stored in the brain but backed by experiences and stories that a woman is holding on to. Therefore we start with the brain.
To solve an identity or value issue, we actually give into the mind chatter that asks questions like: Why do you deserve XYZ? Why do you think you can have XYZ? You’ve never experienced XYZ, why do you think you can experience it now?
The brain is just trying to protect her and we honor that by soothing the brain. We do this by consistently feeding it with evidence and experiences that support the love life that she wants.
I really urge you to check out some of my other posts to get even more insight on what I’m saying here.
When her brain has the evidence and experiences to draw on, it can accept something as true more easily and she no longer has to fight against it.
It becomes aligned with her. Also, the evidence and experiences that we feed the brain register in the body as well. This works to essentially overwhelm the other experiences/stories that a woman is holding onto that keeps her tied to a negative feminine identity or sense of value.
And this is exactly what we want because in the following weeks of the 12 week mentorship, feminine expression, state of being, and presence are all body centric and require the information to be stored in the body.
We don’t need the brain interrupting that and reversing her progress.
Working to soothe the brain first leads to long lasting, deep transformation within my clients and helps them achieve their dream love life much faster than trying to run away from their brain and be in the body.
If this speaks to you, perhaps you’d like to join my in my 12 week mentorship program.
In my 12 week mentorship, “woman in union”, we work on
1. Redefining your identity and value regarding your love life, so that you feel deserving of high quality love and a high quality man.
2. Increasing your capacity for receiving and maintaining high quality love, intimacy, and support.
3. Matching your state of being with the love life you desire so that you can attract experiences with men that meet your standards.
4. How to communicate in alignment with your feminine expression so you can express your needs, desires, standards, and boundaries with ease as well as form deeper bonds with him.
5. Inspiring him to rise for you and maintaining the passion/intimacy so that you can remain in the “honeymoon phase” with him.
6. If desired – I’ll show you my method of online dating and organically meeting men and inspiring the progression of the relationship.
This mentorship is a mid 4 figure investment. [$5,555]
If you'd like more info on the mentorship [what it entails, the process, and the qualifications], click here!
And if you liked what you've read here, consider signing up for my newsletter.
Dream is a love and feminine state of being mentor and the creator of the Woman in Union Newsletter, Blog, and Mentorship.
Dream, and her team's mission is to empower and guide professional and entrepreneurial women through a journey of self-discovery, freedom, truth, and profound romantic love, all with God at the forefront. We believe that every woman has a unique femininity that speaks to the truth in her, calling forth the right man to her.
Our work is focused on helping women tap into this femininity, let go of limiting beliefs and patterns, cultivate a sense of confidence and inner strength and embrace the truth of who they are, ultimately creating a softer life and experiencing divine union with the man who is meant for them.
To apply to work with Dream in the Woman in Union 12 Week Mentorship, click here.